Me From My Words

What I write when I'm someone else. What I think when I'm me. Short stories. Poetry. Random insights. And other stuff.

Thursday, May 12, 2005


"Hush, little one," comes the whisper. It's the whisper of the wind through my hair, the gentle breeze playing with my skin, trying to wipe away the tear. "It is only a tear," says the air as it canters slowly past.
Blow harder, wind. It'll take more than your soft carress to to dry up the ocean at my feet.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

The Kiss Meant Goodbye

Bodies moving insatiably against each other,
writhing in the heat of lust.
Arms entwined, tangled in each other,
struggling in the warmth of passion.
My eyes are closed.
His are wide open, staring.
A withdrawl...
From the fire of the morning
to the winter of the night
so quickly!
I saw the look in his eyes.
This kiss meant goodbye.